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« Crafty Updates | Main | Maker Faire 07 »

May 22, 2007



I share your bridge anxiety. *shudder* The first time my dad ever had me drive on the interstate, he made me cross the Delaware Memorial Bridge.


I heard somewhere that being pregnant can make your mind work slower. So maybe you're on to something!


i've been tagged :]
i'll be making up a post this weekend...i have to narrow down a list on this one!

okay...so i'm amazed by your list!!! it's the 2nd one...IT IS TRUE!!! i know it is because that's what i've always said! i even told my college advisors & teachers. my husband always said i was insane for thinking that, but i don't think so...and neither do you :]

also...i have a hard time w/ bridges as well, but more specifically, those things underneath that hold them up. those giant cement columns that go under the water...they petrify me! we went canoing once & i thought i was going to die because i couldn't get paddled away from one. i really don't think i've been more scared in my life!

lastly...my husband & i used to listen to coast to coast!!! hahahaha!!! we haven't been able to pick up reception on it lately. we just love it because the people crack us up :] although, i will admit i've had an eerie thing happen to me once. i'll have to find my old livejournal post about that one!

sorry for writing so much ;]

jeanetta darley

i really believe we loose brain cells with the placenta.... i've had 3 where does that leave me. lol
and i LOVE jimmy buffet too!!!


I love Jimmy too!! I've even been to Key West three times for the annual convention - I went with my dad and my little sister. My hubby can't stand him though!


Thanks for the insight, I am the same about bridges.


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