Here is a list of our card swappers! I'm so excited to have you all on board! Eeeep :)
Me - Missy Ballance - DONE!
Renae - mother of this blogger -RECIEVD
*Liz Christiansen - The Prissy Place - RECIEVED
*Lisa Steger - Everyday Simplicity - RECIEVED
Angela - Delightful Doings - RECIEVED
*Angel - Angel's Accents
*Karen Martinez -imisutoo -RECIEVED
Cathy Lail - Cat's Creative Place -RECIEVED
*Rain Garcia -Rain's Embelishments - RECIEVED
Tara - Sew Tara - RECIEVED
DeAndra - All in a Day's Dream
Sasha B. - The Foxy Robot -RECIEVED
*Allison Anderson - Shadow's Castle Stamps - RECIEVED
Julie Marriot - Sew it's For You
*Jessica -O Me, O Life -REVIEVED
*Alex Duenkel - sew cute by alex - RECIEVED
Morgen - Inspired Points of View - RECIEVED
Cindy In Virginia - no blog :) -RECIEVED
Linda Haydu -Linda's Goodies - RECIEVED
Carole - no blog :) -RECIEVED
*Robin Carr-Red Robin Lane - RECIEVED
Michelle -6 petal Crafts -RECIEVED
* The star denotes those that shared my kickstarter project so I don't forget to send them their extra goody!! Thanks so much for helping me get the word out!
I hope you have fun looking through the blogs of some of the swappers! I can't wait to recieve the cards so that I can share pics with you all!
Swappers: If you would like a different link listed here (etsy, blog, fb, twitter, whatever) please just email me... or if I have mispelled your name, or any kind of wrong info. Also, if you signed up and don't see your name, email me about that too! No biggee... I make mistakes too, and I'll be happy to correct it :) [email protected] Also, if you didn't get my email with my address, it's because you didn't leave me YOUR email in your comment, and unfortunately, typepad does not provide it for me just because you comment. (Let the record show, I hate the new comment reply function on typepad, because it just reposts to my thread... as if everyone comes back and looks to see what I have to say to them. )